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Review: 'CHILLS, THE'
'Silver Bullets'   

-  Label: 'Fire'
-  Genre: 'Rock' -  Release Date: '30th October 2015'

Our Rating:
Hold the front page ladies and gentleman, this is the first full length album of all new material by this band in 19 years.

The reality is that if this had never happened I could have survived on their back catalogue quite happily for the rest of my days but as it is, I feel blessed. The Chills, you've heard of them right? Never mind. Buy this album, work backwards and acquaint yourself with the songwriting genius of Martin Phillipps for he is The Chills.

There are lots of great indie pop guitar bands both past and present but nobody writes songs quite like this man. They have an indefinable quality that makes writing a review very difficult. Is it the chords, the sequence, the changes? Is it the voice and the lyrics? I can't honestly say (without making shit up) but I think it is safe to say that here is a man who does not ape, instead he creates and who does so with the full force of his talents.

'Father Time' is a brief intro and you hope there is a full length version in the can somewhere. Then 'Warm Waveform' kicks in and it really is like welcoming back an old friend. Actually more like curling up with them in front of an open fire. 'Silver Bullets' is hook central and maybe that is the thing about The Chills. They are 'hookcentric'. Clearly defined guitar melodies, heartfelt lyrics and clear catchy vocals. It is perfect cake topped with beautiful icing and you never once get sick of it. What a neat trick.

This is even the case with slightly more sombre tunes such as 'Underwater Wasteland'. 'America Says Hello' positively thrums and at five minutes there is time for interesting things to happen. I think this might make a great live track. 'Liquid Situation' marks its ground out pretty succinctly. "It's a liquid situation, intolerance precipitates our imminent demise". Then comes 'Pyramid/When The Poor Can Reach The Moon' which reaches for the stars with a big segue type statement about poverty I guess? The state of the world hasn't been encapsulated in a pop song much better that I've ever heard. "Why should we climb? When it's a waste of our time". This turns into something more upbeat. "We'll go, when the poor can reach the moon".

'Aurora Corona' puts us back in the pop saddle, jangling away like the good old days. "Oh Gaia, show mercy"indeed. 'I Can't Help You' ratchets up the catchy and speeds up the beat. 'Tomboy' is a guitar led track of real beauty about schoolyard bullying and how someone's defiance can inspire you to write a song. 'Molten Gold' is a classic and the perfect way to finish this wonderful album. Thanks Martin.    
  author: Leo Newbiggin

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CHILLS, THE - Silver Bullets