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Review: 'Joe Normal & The Anytowners'
'This Is Your Life (And Your Destiny's Calling)'   

-  Genre: 'Rock' -  Release Date: '20.11.19.'-  Catalogue No: 'Rank Outsider Records'

Our Rating:
I think this, the latest single by Joe Normal and the Anytowners (that actually came out in November), is a perfect song for the last week of the decade and as we prepare to leap into the 2020's it's the perfect time to stop and realise that This is your Life ( And Your Destiny Is Calling) and hopefully as this Powerpop pub rock stomps it's way into your head and makes clear it's time to go out and make a difference and to go have the best life you can while making the world a better place over really cool rolling riff guitars and a nice pounding drum beat to get you all fired up and ready for it.

Joe also plays in a good few other bands including Dramarama and one version of Gene Loves Jezebel and this is just a great bar room romp that you can go listen too here.

https://music.apple.com/us/album/this-is-your-life-and-your-destinys-calling-single/1486115464 and https://www.rankoutsiderrecords.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/Anytownrs/
  author: simonovitch

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