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Review: 'BRITT, IAN'
'ONE DAY I...'   

-  Genre: 'Rock' -  Release Date: '2005'

Our Rating:
Singer/songwriter IAN BRITT has produced a slickedy-slick MOR album worthy of major airplay on the likes on the stations such as Radio 2 and Virgin. Terry Wogan is gonna lap this up.

Now, MOR gets a lot of bad press (i.e. if you hang around the Middle of the Road long enough, you'll get knocked over, etc), but sometimes it includes some damn fine quality pop. Don't forget, 'Pop' = popular. Discard the manufactured boy band tripe, ring-tone top 10 hits, and Pop Idol nonsense - and remember the good old days when bands like Fleetwood Mac and Crowded House were around. Ok, so bands of the Classic Rock genre aren't trendy or fashionable by any means, but don't tell me that you've never secretly played air guitar to the outro on 'Chains' when it's on the radio (you know, the tune that always gets sound-tracked for any Formula One race on the TV).

Not that Ian Britt is in the same league as the heavyweights of Dad Rock - his music sits more along the lines of Maroon 5. But you know what, and this might be going out on a limb here, Britt's album is quite likable and even (dare I say it?) tasteful. Sure it's cheesy in parts, it's very polished, and your Aunty who likes Robbie Williams will probably really dig it, but so what? Just because no po-faced haircut is involved, doesn't mean it's not decent. This album is warm, gentle, and although it's not challenging, maybe some of us don't want to be made to think. Maybe some of us prefer to have soothing music poured over our heads so we can chill out and relax.

The first couple of tracks are typically chart-friendly - generic, cheery, and of little consequence. However, a few songs down the line and Britt starts to create a more ambient soulful feel. It remains polished and oily slick, but there is the definite potential for him to branch out into some filthy rock if he so chooses. Or he can remain with the gently fried Latin grooves and relaxing guitars - it's all nice.

So if you're yearning for some classic rock in your life, then you could do worse that check out Ian Britt. Personally, this W&H writer would be interested to hear an acoustic version of his work, it could be quite something.

Written, arranged, and performed by Britt, this is certainly something the artist should be proud of. Watch this space, he may be taking over your Dad's stereo in the very near future.
  author: Sian Owen

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