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'Soma City EP'   

-  Genre: 'Pop' -  Release Date: 'March 1st 2006'

Our Rating:
Sparse guitar, slight reverb, and a dash of classic rock; it all points in the same direction as this Co.Kerry outfit ease their way into being. Their 5-track EP ‘Soma City’ crashes against pop’s shores like an unexpected seventh wave as their inspirations blend very nicely indeed. The frantic tempo changes and sliding grooves open us up to their hypnotic and powerful half-garage, as the lads fashion something truly worthwhile from deep within the heart of Michael Bolton country.

Lyrics that protest innocence without claiming to be the bastion of mental health declare empirical warfare on the unassuming, as tap room melodies provide a cleanly mixed cocktail of influences that soundtrack these solid sentiments. That lead guitar is waltzing close to the cheesy edge of reason, but necessarily so as the lads reach for the stars (or their rippled reflection in a puddle).

‘I Saw It’ was voted in with my tapping feet – this tongue in cheek ode to RTL had me clutching the hairbrush microphone as I too admonished the perilous effects of television. Cut off my nose to spite my face, I threw the blessed thing out of the nearest window some 12 years ago, and B-MOVIE MONSTER soundtrack my temper tantrum with a soothing memory. Two hands massage my shoulders, as does the realisation that I’m free.

‘Soma City’ is a title track of some urgency. Guitars that mimic the beating heart pour acidic bile on this disdainful attack on conformist apathy whilst the drums stalk that addictive bassline with an elephant gun through the megaphone madness.

‘Play’ flanges and falls through another emergency situation as the vocals stay steady by contrast. This half-crazed noise is in full control of itself alright, and gloriously so.
There is humour, but the wit is bone-dry beneath the swirling madness

What we have is a self-released mini-masterpiece that nods not once, but five times at rock tradition on its unpretentious and addictive ascent to the top of your estimations! You can see the blighters in their rehearsal room, listening back to the sessions, and nodding: “It’s damned crazy old chap, but it just might work”.

For a debut release, they have done themselves proud. Scorching stuff

  author: Mabs

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